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The new way of looking at horse racing


Chris Martin is one of the nicest and most genuine musicians we have met.

And though it’s “cool” to say that Coldplay is “uncool” and that Martin’s song are syrupy, we love the band and the man’s music.

“Fix You,” “Yellow”, “Viva La Vida” everything off the new record, are strong favourites with us.

Chris Martin and Jay-Z have been tight friends for a long time along with Beyonce and Gwyneth Paltrow.

And so when we read this bit of news about Beyonce’s “A&R team” rejecting a song Chris Martin had written specifically for her, it made us realize just how unmusical the musical world has come.

The song “did not make the cut”.

Oh, come on: Someone as powerful as Mrs. Jay Z cannot make up her own mind and make her decision about what she records?

There is a higher “approval system” at play?

No wonder, much of the music coming out today sounds like it’s from the same factory.

Well, at least Rihanna has recorded her version of a Chris Martin song- “Princess Of China”.

It has “made the cut.”

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